Author: Dan Williford

  • The Shepheardes Calender, Morris

    The Shepheardes Calender, Morris

    The shepheardes calender : conteyning twelve aeglogues, proportionable to the twelve monethes. Hammersmith : Kelmscott Press, 1896 [i.e. 1897]

    Written by Edmund Spenser; illustrated by Arthur Gaskin; edited by F.S. Ellis.

    Bibliography: The Shepheardes Calender: Conteyning Twelve Aeglogues, Propotionable to the Twelve Monethes. By Edumund Spenser. Edited by F.S. Ellis. Medium 4to. Golden type. In black & red. With twleve full-page illustrations by A. J. Gaskin. 225 on paper at a guinea, 6 on vellum at three guineas. Dated Oct. 14, issued Nov. 26, 1896. Published at the Kelmscott Press. Bound in half holland. The illustrations in this book were printed from process blocks by Walker & Boutall. By and oversight the names of the author, editor, and artist were omitted from the colophon.” (50)

  • William Morris Kelmscott Samples

    William Morris Kelmscott Samples

    Samples and captions by digital libraries uc edu.

    William Morris’s printers mark, this appeared in nearly all of the books published at Kelmscott

    A later printers mark, used on large folio format books

    A spread from ‘Poems Chosen out of the Works of Robert Herrick

    A spread from ‘Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair’, Kelmscott Press, 1895

    An instance where red is used to provide emphasis on words in the text, instead of only for subtitles and headings

    A page from ‘Laudes Beatae Mariae Virginis’ – which is very rare among Morris’s works that is uses blue ink in addition to the typical black and red.

    The first page of the Waters of the Wondrous Isles’

    A title page from ‘The Boke of Cupid’ with an exceptionaly large illuminated word – ‘the’

    The cover of ‘Art and its Producers, and the Arts & Crafts of Today: Two Addresses Delivered Before the National Association for the Advancement of Art. By William Morris

    The title spread of ‘The Order of Chivalry’, printed on vellum

    The title page spread from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s ‘Maud’

    This was the last book printed at the Kelmscott Press, and was sold by the trustees of William Morris

    Two poems from ‘The Love-Lyrics and Songs of Proteus’. This layout is rare because it uses red illuminates characters

    Typographic samples of the three fonts William Morris designed and used at Kelmscott

    A spread from More’s ‘Utopia’. In this case the red margin notes summarize the corresponding text

    Title page from ‘The Recuyell of the Histories of Troye’

    From “Kelmscott Press and Victorian Medievalism,” Arizona State University.
    Kelmscott Press and Victorian Medievalism: An Online Exhibit of the Kelmscott Press was curated by Karina Wilhelm and Jacob Robertson. Emil Smith and Alexa Nino assisted them, selecting images and writing portions of the text.

    Sonnets and Lyrical Poems, PRB-486

    Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, SPEC B-737

    Story of Glittering Plain, PRBF-34

    Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Mann of Lawe , SPEC B-737

    Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 385, SPEC B-737

    Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 60, SPEC B-737

    Flower, Glittering Plain, PRB-463

    Apple, Story of Sigurd the Volsung, PRBF-41

    Perch, Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, SPEC B-737

    Most Kelmscott Press books were printed on handmade paper produced by Joseph Batchelor and Son in Kent. Morris specified that the paper had to be made of linen rags. In his note about the founding of Kelmscott Press, Morris also specified that a mould must be used, which would produce a ribbed appearance similar to the paper he had identified as his model, paper produced in Bologna around 1473.

    Morris also printed a limited number of copies of each publication on vellum. He sought high-quality, Italian vellum, but because he was competing with the Vatican for that supply, he found locally produced vellum that met his standards, produced by Henry Band and William J. Turney & Company.

    Another feature of the papers used for the Kelmscott Press books were watermarks. Morris designed three watermarks–a flower (primrose), perch, and apple. The flower appear in 16″ x 11″ and 16″ x 22″ paper; the perch in 17″ x 23″ paper; and the apple watermark in 18″ X 13″ paper.

    Golden typeface, Shepheardes Calendar, PRB-506

    According to Morris, he began with a Roman type. He considered the letters to be pure in form and free of “needless excrescences.” His inspiration for his “Golden” typeface (left) was the French engraver, Nicholas Jensen, who worked in Venice and designed the most complete set of Roman font

    Troy typeface, Floure and the Leafe, PRB-505

    Chaucer typeface, Sir Degrevaunt, PRB-508

    Morris then developed a Gothic typeface that was as easy to read as Roman type. This was his “Troy” typeface, but as he undertook the work for his Chaucer, he needed a smaller version to accommodate the double-column format. To fill this need, he designed the aptly named “Chaucer” typeface.

    In addition to having well-designed, easy-to-read typefaces, the color of the text when printed was important to Morris. He disliked that many Victorian publications looked grey due to the cheap ink used. To avoid this, Morris sought a very black ink and found one produced by Gebrüder Jänecke in Hanover, Germany.

    Having selected paper, typefaces, and ink, Morris and the Kelmscott Press used Albion hand presses to print their publications. Kelmscott’s Chaucer posed particular challenges due to its size so Morris acquired a third Albion press, an Albion Press no. 6551. The Floor Model Albion Press No. 6551 Morris used now resides at in the Cary Graphic Arts Collections at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

    Heroine, Wood Beyond the World, PRB-203

    Water of the Wondrous Isles, PRB-39

    Water of the Wondrous Isles, PRB-39

    Water of the Wondrous Isles, PRB-39

    Water of the Wondrous Isles, PRB-39

    Earthly Paradise, PRB-503

    Opening, Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, SPEC B-737

    Opening, Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, SPEC B-737

    Graphic Design and Visual Culture in Europe 1890-1945: Private Press Books in Special Collections, the University of Glasgow Library.

    frontispiece from The Well at the World’s End

    opening of The Well at the World’s End

    page of text from The Well at the World’s End

    frontispiece to Book III of The Well at the World’s End

    colophon of The Well at the World’s End

    frontispiece title-page from The History of Godefrey of Boloyne

    opening from The History of Godefrey of Boulogne

    page of text from The History of Godefrey of Boloyne

    pages of text from Gothic Architecture

    page of text from Sidonia the Sorceress

    title-page & opening from Rossetti’s Ballads and Narrative Poems

    end of preface and opening of The Nature of Gothic

  • Article on Ricketts, Gleeson White

    White, Gleeson. “At the Sign of the Dial: Mr. Ricketts as a Book-Builder.” Magazine of Art. 20 (December 1896-November 1897): 304-09. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of Toronto Library. Web. 5 November 2014.

    Reprinted at The Victorian Web, 10 Nov 2014.

    Illuminated initial T

    he quality which has distinguished Mr. Ricketts’s work from the first is “personality.” In Art, personality is but another name for originality; and, as in life, there are two sorts. The one fostered by ignorance, whether of social amenities or precedent; the other restrained or fantastic, pedantically simple or complex and profound, is alike based upon sound knowledge, which is power.

    To-day a few designers, anxious for a short cut to success, appear to think that if they follow the track of a single predecessor they can slip through the thorn-brake with no personal effort and succeed in awaking the sleeping beauty. But the path must be cleared anew for himself by every true artist, who disdains the solitary trail as much as the common highway: for by either mute a traveller will find when he reaches his goal that the prince has already carried off the prize. Mr. Ricketts is himself always. It, is open In dislike his aims: but common fairness must admit that they arc his own, and owe little to any predecessor. If the school of Rossetti — does someone whisper? Yes, in one sense; but only in the sense that the younger Pre-Raphaelite has learned from the sources whence the earlier drew his inspiration, and first gave expression to a certain intensity new to English art. Besides, Rossetti — maker of poems and pictures — was not to any extent a designer of books, and it, is in that aspect, we are considering Mr. Ricketts here.

    In one aspect of his art Mr. Ricketts appears distinctly akin to Rossetti, for he is dowered with the highly nervous temperament which feels the commonplace as positive pain. Most of us can hardly suffer gladly the reiteration of a monotonous note of a bell or the foolish ineffectual whine of a chained puppy. The repeated sound provokes a disproportionate sense of irritation. It is told of Walter Savage Landor that he hated mixing indiscriminately with his fellows because the platitudes which they uttered inflicted actual torture. “Fancy,” he said on one occasion, “if I chanced to he sitting by the sea, and a stout motherly female came and sat beside me, and, as a steamboat came in sight, said — “Lor, sir! what should we have thought of that when we were young?” The fatuous astonishment of the average person at, something that he recognises, but cannot understand, is as maddening to a thinking man, as the same person’s self-satisfied familiarity with other wonders which are equally beyond his comprehension.

    It is hard that no word exists to describe accurately the builder of beautiful books. “Editor” or “publisher” expresses too much. The architecture of book-building; is at once an art and a science, and in many respects would show a near parallel to the third of the fine arte which is included in that trinity of which many believe that the last is also greatest. But it is wiser to accept them as equal.

    Now most people still express surprise at the marvels of printing; and still show apparent satisfaction with the meanest and ugliest example that art, which, they recognise, has done so much to change the life-history of the world. They will gaze in open-mouthed astonishment at so many thousand copies an hour being thrown off steam presses, and yet purr with approval over the hideous volume which is the result of all this applied mechanism.

    The artist is always amazed, and is for ever appalled, by common accidents of light and movement which do not excite the man in the street in the smallest degree. The emotions which move an artist to joy or grief seem the veriest trifles to the orthodox British citizen: while all the toys of the taxpayer — politics, religious factions, and other burning questions — interest the artist rarely, and seldom deeply. This may seem discursive; but unless you are willing to realise that to an artist’s eyes the production of a beautiful book is worthy of as much patient study as the result of an international cricket match, the passing of a Bill through Parliament, or the shibboleth of one sect as opposed to the shibboleth of another — until one is ready to allow that the subject which attracts him interests him as honestly and wholly as these other matters interest the larger number, it were foolish to consider seriously a few volumes issued under the direct control of a young artist.

    The art of producing a book differs in infinitesimal degree only, whether it be a cheap and nasty edition or a masterpiece that satisfies the most exacting critic. The possible variations allowed in good Roman type few and exquisitely slight: the paper is necessarily paper, merely a poor quality for a bad book and a fine quality for a good one. Every page margins: those produced by artists of the past or present — are finely proportioned; the rest are left to chance. The ink is nominally black in each case: in the fine book it is really black; in the badly-printed one sometimes black, sometimes a dull neutral colour. The ugly book is usually, though not always, unreadable in some degree; its pages are often shiny and its type thin and meagre. But, after all, the possible difference between a beautiful book and a book of no beauty at all is a matter of surfaces, tones, and fractional variations of measurement — all trifles of small importance to the practical man of business.

    But we must remember that trifles rule the world; a fraction of difference in the curve of an contour of a nose, separates a Cleopatra from a commonplace dowdy. In Art there is no such thing as a trifle; every item of perfection must be perfect, and only those who know the thousand and one possible errors which would, any one of them, mar a perfect book, can appreciate the result. The right thing often looks the easiest; but if it is to be the most direct way to the result, as it often is, the natural depravity of animate nature are has to he fought in every one of the thousand possible shortcomings. In short, this enovation of the book from its normal ugliness to a thing satisfactory in every respect must concern its every particle. It must not be confounded with the pretty book — a thing with a chamring cover and aesthetic illustrations. From the more serious point of view the “book” can dispense with these adjuncts, and become beautified by reason of its proportions and essential decorations. There is much decoration at present, good in itself that does not beautify the book. For instance, you constantly find many young artists who have not learned how to turn corners.

    Logical efforts to produce a beautiful book are at present the secret of England. In France, Holland, and Belgium they know this well enough. This was apparent at the exhibition of Le Livre Moderne in Paris; although the Kelmscott editions do not seem to have been treated there so seriously as their importance warrants, and Mr. Ricketts’s books were in fact practically unrepresented.

    As the Vale Press books owe everything except the actual presswork to Mr. Ricketts, who is responsible for the type, the build of the page, the paper with its “Vale” watermark, the illustrations and decorations, and the bindings, it will be best to trace the evolution of these editions from earlier volumes which were only partially under his control.

    Of these, the first number of The Dial is, I believe, the earliest; and the plan of this sumptuously – printed quarto reveals attention to those details of bookbuilding which later works develop more fully. The prospectus to announce The Dial, No. 1, and that to proclaim the advent of number 3, are delightfully original; indeed, with all respect for Mr. Ricketts’s latei aims, one can hardly restrain a certain amount of regret that the invention displayed in arranging ordinary types in well-balanced masses has been set aside for a stricter adherence to the canons laid down by the early Italian and other master bookbuilders of the past. The Dial, No. 1, appeared “from the Vale, Chelsea.” in 1889; No. 2 in February, 1892; No. 3 in October, in 1893; and No. 4, with the imprint “Hacon and Ricketts,” in 1896.

    The earliest book produced under Mr. Ricketts’s entire control is Silver-Points (Lane, 1891) a tall thin octavo, which, in its dainty cover (designed by Mr. Charles H. Shannon), is a treasure to collectors and a continual joy to the lover of fine books. Several points in it, then entirely fresh in modern book-making, deserve mention. The poems are all in italic, except the initial letter of each line, which is Roman: the titles are in Roman capitals: the dedication in smaller-sized capitals, the whole packed tightly together, with margins that fulfil the established rule of the great printers — that is, narrowest on the inner side, the outer margin double the width of the inner, the top still more ample, and the lower wider still. Except that a simple decoration surrounds a few of the initials, there is not a spot of ornament in the whole book, which owes its beauty entirely to the arrangement of the type. In A House of Pomegranatetes (Osgood, Mcllvaine, 1891) — as the prospectus duly announced — “the design and decoration of the hook are by C. Ricketts and C.H. Shannon.” Here we find that the pictures are deliberately planned to decorate the page, and that certain roundel designs are dotted here and there on the margins for the same purpose. Other books, notably Grimm’s Fairy Tales, with Mr. Walter Crane’s designs, had long before attempted to bring the illustration to accord with the type-page; but, this is nearer the ideal, for the massing of the type itself seems to have been more thoroughly supervised by the artist. Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime (ditto) and The Bard of the Dimhovitza (ditto) also show- strong trace of Mr. Ricketts’s influence in their title-pages.

    Two images from Daphnis and Chloe.

    But these preliminary efforts must not, he dwelt upon. With Daphnis and Chloe, a quarto volume, we encounter what is said to be the first book published in recent times with woodcuts by the artist, in a page arranged by himself. It must not be forgotten that Mr. Ricketts is distinctly a revivalist of original engraving, never common at any period. Mr. W. J. Linton admits only two original woodengravers in the sixteenth century. One of the blocks reproduced here will convey an idea of the Daphnis and Chloe, which is modelled obviously on the Hypnerotomachia (Venice, 1499) and other books of that period. Not a few people have blamed Mr. Bicketts severely for his faithful adherence to the manner of the early Italians; and a few of these have at the same time approved equally faithful imitations of books of another race and time. The question is purely a matter of taste: but in choosing the Italians as models to follow, Mr. Ricketts stands alone at present. Not a little decorative bookmaking inspired by Teutonic and other early fashions has been put forth of far my inquiries have discovei which has been directly inspire Rappresentazioni.

    Two unpublished blocks, both possibly for Cupid and Psyche. [Click on these images for larger pictures.]

    Hero and Leander, issued in 1894, an octavo, is conceived in a different manner, and cannot be traced to the direct influence of any predecessor. The type of beauty which Mr. Ricketts adopts in its illustrations is not one that appeals to the lovers of the quaint or the pretty, who may be repelled by its severely archaic lines and the decorative intention which depicts a strangely fantastic ideal of humanity. To-day, when realism and imitation are dominant, the deliberate intention of an artist to make his subject express the idea he wishes to convey within a rigid convention, without binding himself to the canons of academic draughtsmanship, is apt tn be taken as treason. Bui those who are offended should remember thai a draughtsman of Mr. Ricketts’s ability does not err (if he err at all) through ignorance or carelessness. Emotion, passion, and the decorative pattern of his design sway him most; and to that end he evolves types of humanity which are not common, and proportions which do not agree with the record of the Kodak.

    The Sphinx

    The Sphinx.

    In The Sphinx (1894), a delicately wrought small-quarto, clad in white and gold, and printed in red, green, and black — the illustration-, are still more severe, and are certainly entirely remote from the direct influence of any work past or present. The artist, I believe, ranks this as one of his most satisfactory works; and, caviare though it must needs he to the average taste, its singular beauty needs no praise here. The absence of sensuousness in designs that are passionate in intention is peculiarly noticeable. But for the moment we may regard the illustrations of these three books as a side issue; except in one very important factor: the quality of their line, and the amount of white paper left untouched, which has been decided entirely with regard to position with the type. This is a point which Mr. Ricketts considers to be of the highest importance. It is the build of the page, the relation of the “colour” of the engravings to the type, and the symmetry of the whole volume, which he insists upon; and in these respects any person who has studied the beauty of a well-planned book cannot fail to be interested, even if the result is unlike his previously accepted ideal.

    But all these volumes are only steps in the history of the Vale Press, and do nut represent the ideal which Mr. Ricketts wished in attain. In 1896 the results of long experiments wre made public, and the firm of Hacon and Ricketts was established. At present its publications are confined to books decorated, not illustrated; unless an occasional frontispiece entitles certain volumes to be so considered.

    For these Mr. Llicketts designed a special type, and carried out an idea he had projected for a long time. The type has already been the theme of dispute, and has betrayed many hasty critics into rash statements. The possible innovations in a fount confessedly based on the precedent of the best Italian alphabets leave little room for violent novelty. One set of critics has objected to the style as too imitative; others have found it too novel. But no critic so far seems to have been sufficiently impressed by its fundamental idea. Mr. Ricketts believes that the plan on which all letters should be based is that of the perfect circle or the perfect square; it matters not which geometrical form you choose, since a certain number of letters — M, L, H, and the like — demand a parallelogram, and others — C, G, Q, — an ovate or circular plan. If to draw this distinction between types based mi the oval or the circle appear a mere quibble, we must remember that the difference between the Byzantine and Pointed style, which divide architecture into two great sections, is one of similar limit. There is all the difference in the world, to a specialist in types, between a small “b,” “g,” or “o” that follows the circle [O] and one that is planned upon an oval [0]. I wish to emphasise this point, because I know that the designer regards it as vital: and I, for one, agree entirely with bis estimate of its importance. The question of “serifs” and the angles of certain strokes: whether a W consists of interlaced Y’s, or of two connected only by the seriff; whether the serif’s of a capital T are vertical, or slant divers ways, or parallel — all these are secondary matters, but the plan of the letter is not secondary.

    In the beautiful Kelmscott type, as in the famous Foulis founts and other notable instances, the O is ovate, and all other letters agree with it. In Mr. Ricketts’s “Vale” type the square and the circle dominate every letter. If this distinction be passed over as unimportant, further contention is useless. but on this point no compromise can be entertained. If it be unimportant whether the arch is a semicircle, or planned, like Euclid’s first problem, upon the intersection of circles, then it matters little. But so long as architecture is separated by such a structural difference, it follows that an based on a circle, or an H based on a perfect square, must be entirely unrelated to the ovate or the oblong H. When taste is in question, one allows the adversary equal vantage; but when geometry comes in, axioms must be observed. Therefore the ill-founded assertion that Mr. Ricketts’s type copies any modern fount cannot be allowed. You may dislike his symbol ha’ the ordinary “&,” or dispute over the beauty of his seriffs and the oblique strokes of certain letters: but if you maintain that a circle and an oval are practically alike, the question of these nicer points need not he raised.

    Initials and Culs-de-lampe for “Some Ancient Representations of Eros and Pysche” by Charles De Sousy Ricketts, 1866-1931. 1890. Magazine of Art (1896-97): 309. [Click on image to enlarge it.]


    Two pages from The Nimphidia and the Muses’ Elizium. The one at right appeared in the article and the one at left in the 1890 Studio.

    The Vale Press, with its own type, its own paper with its own watermark, has so far produced a comparatively small number of books; but a few months could hardly be expected to yield a hundred volumes. The output before the autumn holidays of 1896 comprises The Early Poems of MiltonThe Poems of Sir John SucklingThe Nimphidia by Michael Drayton, Spiritual Poems by John Gray — all with frontispieces, borders, and initial letters, designed and cut on the wood by Charles Ricketts; also Epicurus, Leontine, and Ternissa, by W. S. Landor, with a border designed and cut by the same artist.

    It would be easy to draw up a plea for the appreciation of this effort: but to do so, since a commercial enterprise is by the force of circumstances allied with an artistic experiment, would be to forsake a platonic attitude of disinterested appreciation, and descend to the puff oblique. As one who has had the privilege of seeing many of Mr. Eicketts’s experiments at early stages, I can unhesitatingly record his fervid anxiety to leave nothing undone that shall perfect his books according to the ideal he has developed. The aspect in which they concern us is the aesthetic result. The type is legible, the printing by Messrs. Ballautyne as good as one could wish, the paper and all the details which complete a volume show the uttermost care. Of the bindings nothing has been said, not only because Mr. Ricketts’s designs for cloth covers deserve a papei in themselves, but because they have been hitherto applied in boks not entirely under his control. The Vale editions (the Suckling excepted) are clad in seller paper boards, or white buckram, with simple labels. His effort deserves the sympathy of all interested in the applied arts: and if its ideal he net theirs, let them he quite sure first whether it is not even better; and if they satisfy themselves it is not, then one might ask why only one ideal of a beautiful hook is to be entertained.

    Initials and Culs-de-lampe for “Some Ancient Representations of Eros and Pysche” by Charles De Sousy Ricketts, 1866-1931. 1890. Magazine of Art (1890): 309. [Click on image to enlarge it.]

  • Ricketts Bindings

    Ricketts Bindings

    Books with Bindings by Charles Ricketts

    From Cooke, Simon, “Charles Ricketts as a Book Cover Designer,” The Victorian Web, 20 August 2018.

    Photos by Simon Cooke.

    • Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. London: Ward & Lock, 1891.
    • Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the D’Urbervilles. 3 Vols. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1891.
    • Hardy, Thomas. A Group of Noble Dames. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1891.
    • Wilde, Oscar. A House of Pomegranates. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1891.
    • Wilde, Oscar. Poems. London: Elkin Matthews & John Lane, 1892.
    • Gray, Thomas. Silverpoints. London: Elkin Matthews & John Lane, 1893.
    • Symonds, J. A. In the Key of Blue. London: Elkin Matthews & John Lane, 1893.
    • Tablay, Lord de [Warren, John Leicester]. Poems Dramatic and Lyrical. 2 Series. London: John Lane, 1893, 1895.
    • Hardy, Thomas. Life’s Little Ironies. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1894.
    • Marlowe, Christopher. Hero and Leander. London: Elkin Matthews, 1894.
    • Wilde, Oscar. The Sphinx. London: Elkin Matthews & John Lane, 1894.
    • Campion, Thomas. Fifty Songs. London: Hacon & Ricketts, 1896.
    • The Pageant. London: Henry, 1897.
    • Vacaresco, H. The Bard of Dimbovitza. 2nd Series. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1897.
    • Chatterton, Thomas. The Rowley Poems. London: The Vale Press, 1898.
    • Sidney, Sir Philip. The Sonnets. London: Hacon & Ricketts, 1898.
    • Wilde, Oscar. The Ballad of Reading Gaol. London: Leonard Smithers, 1898.
    • [Wilde, Oscar]. An Ideal Husband. London: Leonard Smithers, 1899.
    • Field, Michael [Katherine Bradley and Edith Cooper]. Wild Honey. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908.

    Rossetti’s “Poems”

    Dante Gabriel Rossetti, designer


    Dark green publishers’ cloth with an elaborate gilt overlay. An Aesthetic binding of flowers in an intricate mesh. This motif is continued on the end-papers.

    7 ½ x 5 ¼ inches

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke.

    Binding for Wilde’s “House of Pomegranates”

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth binding with gilt overlays

    8½ x 7 inches

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Cloth binding for Gray’s ‘Silverpoints’

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth with gilt overlays

    8½ x 4½ inches

    The radical aspect of this design and of the book as a whole is its narrow shape – a format repeated within in the treatment of the text, which is surrounded by a wide margin. Ricketts’s pattern epitomizes the minimalism of his Art Nouveau design. As in other books, the title is consigned to a small area, privileging the decorative effect of the gilt motifs and conveying the idea of the book as art rather than literature. Perhaps Ricketts’s most delicate work, and certainly his most famous and prized.

    [Click on image to enlarge it.]Art Nouveau

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Cloth binding for Tablay’s ‘Poems’

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth with gilt overlays

    7¾ x 5 inches

    A fanciful, luxurious binding, heavily patterened in gilt and issued in several colours. The light shown blue here is the most common. Once again, Ricketts emphasises the pattern over any other information.

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Cloth binding for ‘The Pageant’

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth binding with gilt overlays

    10¼ x 7¾ inches

    A simple pattern which encapsulates the magazine’s elegant combination of art and literary reviews. Only two volumes were issued, in each case including a dust-wrapper, also by Ricketts but different from the cloth design shown here.

    [Click on image to enlarge it.]

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Cloth binding for Michael Field’s ‘Wild Honey’

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth binding with gilt overlays

    7½ x 4½ inches

    Though published in 1908, this binding is still very much a part of the late-Victorian style practised by Ricketts and his contemporaries. Elegant and refined, the combination of honeycomb and bees is both abstract and naturalistic.

    [Click on image to enlarge it.]

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Cloth binding for John Addington Symonds’s ‘In the Key of Blue’

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth binding with gilt overlays

    7½ x 5½ inches

    [See commentary below, and click on image to enlarge it.]

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Cloth binding for Wilde’s ‘Poems’

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth binding with gilt overlays

    8½ x 5¾ inches

    Ricketts’s heraldic design encapsulates the sophisticated tone of Wilde’s verse. Distinctly Art Nouveau in style, it is one of most elaborate and elegant covers of the period, and was widely imitated. The curious interlacing of the title and author’s name typifies the designer’s mannered treatment of lettering.

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Binding for Thomas Hardy’s ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’

    Charles Ricketts


    Cloth binding with gilt overlays

    7½ x 5 inches

    This elegant design appeared on the boards of the three volume, first collected edition following its magazine serialization in The Graphic. Though linked to the novel’s pastoral theme, the honeysuckle motif gives little sense of its tragedy, offering in its stead a version of Hardy’s text as romantic idyll.

    [Click on image to enlarge it.]

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

    Detail of the Vellum backstrip and Card Boards for Charles Ricketts’s design for Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray. 1891. Card with gilt overlays, 3 x 3 inches. [Click on image to enlarge it.]

    This is a detail of Ricketts’s daisies on the front cover. The book is otherwise quite plain – the vellum backstrip is bare except for lettering at the base, while the boards only bear the gilt design on the front cover. The book was issued in a dust-wrapper and good copies, without the jacket or with it, are extremely rare. The image shown here is taken from a damaged copy.

    Photograph and text by Simon Cooke

  • Syr Perecyvelle of Gales, Morris

    Syr Perecyvelle of Gales, Morris

    Syr Perecyvelle of Gales, William Morris. Hammersmith : Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1895.

    “Overseen by F.S. Ellis, after the edition printed by J.O. Halliwell from the ms. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral”

    Bibliography: “Overseen by F. S. Ellis, after the edition edited by J. O. Halliwell from the Thornton MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. 8 vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 13a and 13, and a woodcut designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. 350 on paper at fifteen shillings, 8 on vellum at four guineas. Dated Feb. 16, issued May 2, 1895. Published by William Morris. Bound in limp vellum. This is the first of the series to which Sire Degrevaunt & Syr Isumbrace belong. They were all reprinted from the Camden Society’s volume of 1844, which was a favorite with Mr. Morris from is Oxford days. Syr Perecyvelle was first announced int eh list of Dec 1., 1895. The shouldernotes were added by Mr. Morris.” (40)

  • Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century, Morris

    Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century, Morris

    Some German woodcuts of the fifteenth century, 1898.

    Bibliography: “Being thirty-five reproductions from books that were in the library of the late William Morris. Edited, with a list of the principal woodcut books in that library, by S.C. Cockerell. Large 4to. Golden type. In red and black. 225 on paper at thirty shillings, 8 on vellum at five guineas. Dated Dec 15, 1897, issued January 6, 1898. Published at the Kelmscott Press. Bound in half holland. Of these thirty-five reproductions twenty-nine were all the were one of a series chosen by Mr. Morris to illustrate a catalogue of his library, and the other six were prepared by him for an article int eh 4th number of Bibliographica, part of which is reprinted as an introduction to the book. The process blocks (with one exception) were made by Walker & Boutall, and are of the same size as the original cuts.”

  • Syr Ysambrace, Morris

    Syr Ysambrace, Morris

    Syr Ysambrace. Hammersmith : Kelmscott Press, 1897.

    Published Posthumously.

    “Edited by F. S. Ellis after the edition printed by J.O. Halliwell from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, with a few corrections. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, int eh County of Middlesex, and finished on the 14th day of July, 1897. Sold by the Trustees of the late William Morris at the Kelmscott Press.” (41)

    Bibliography: “Edited by F.S. Ellis after the edition printed by J.O. Halliwell from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, with some corrections. 8vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 4a and 4, and a woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. 350 on paper at twelve shillings, 8 on vellum at four guineas. Dated July 14, issued Nov. 11, 1897. Published at the Kelmscott Press. Bound in half holland. This is the third and last of the reprints from the Camden Society’s volume of Thornton Romances. The text was all set up and partly printed by June, 1896, at which time it was intended to include ‘Sir Eglamour’ in the same volume.” (55)

  • Gothic Architecture, Morris

    Gothic Architecture, Morris

    Gothic architecture : a lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, Hammersmith : Kelmscott Press, 1893.

    “This paper, first spoken as a lecture at the New Gallery, for the Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society, in the year 1889, was printed by the Kelmscott PRess during the Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the New Gallery, Regent Street, London, 1893. Sold by William Morris, Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith.” (68)

    Bibliography: “16mo. Golden type. In black and red. 1500 on paper at two shillings and sixpence, 45 on vellum at ten and fifteen shillings. Bound in half holland. This lecture was setup at Hammersmith and printed at the New Gallery during the Arts and Crafts Exhibition in October & November 1893. The first copies were ready on October 21, and the book was twice reprinted before the Exhibition closed. It was the first book printed in 16mo. The four-line initials used in it appear here for the first time. The vellum copies were sold during the Exhibition at ten shillings, and the price was subsequently raised to fifteen shillings.” (32-33).

  • The order of chivalry; L’ordene de chevalerie. Morris

    The order of chivalry; L’ordene de chevalerie. Morris

    The order of chivalry. L’ordene de chevalerie. Hammersmith : Kelmscott Press ; London : Sold by Reeves & Turner, 1893.

    Bibliography: “The Order of Chilvalry. Translated from the French by William Caxton and reprinted from his edition of 1484. Edited by F.S. Ellis. And L’ordene de Chevalerie, with Translation by William Morris. Small 4to. Chaucer type, in black and red. Borders 9a and 4, and a woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. 225 on paper at thirty shillings, 10 on vellum at ten guineas. The Order of Chivalry dated Nov. 10, 1892, L’Ordene de Chevalerie dated February 24, 1893, issued April 12, 1893. Sold by Reeves & Turner. Bound in limp vellum.” 30

    Memoranda – The Ordination of Knighthood

    F. S. Ellis[148]MEMORANDA CONCERNING THE TWO PIECES HERE REPRINTED.THE “Order of Chivalry” was translated by Caxton from the French original, of which there are many early manuscripts in existence.  That in the British Museum, Fr. Roy. 14 E.16, is beautifully written, and has at the head of the first column a well painted miniature representing the Hermit and the Squire in conference.  It forms part of a large folio volume which is said to have been made for Edward IVth.A strange confusion has been made by various writers & bibliographers between this treatise and a charming little French poem of the 13th century, entitled “L’Ordene de Chevalerie.”  This was first printed at Paris in 1759, by M. Barbazan, and again in the “Fabliaux et Contes,” Paris, 1808, from the text found in the MS. volume 25462, fo.149-157, in the National Library at Paris, which is said by M. Ernest Langlois (La Chevalerie, par L. Gautier, p. 293) to be [149] an excellent one.  M. Langlois speaks of “L’Ordre de Chevalerie” as a prose rendering of the XIIIth century poem, and M. Gautier appears to have adopted this view, for while he gives a summary of the poem, he omits all mention of the prose work. To enable those who are interested in the matter to judge how far there is reason to suppose that the one work is drawn from the other, the poem is here reprinted from the text given in the “Fabliaux et Contes,” 1808.  It will be seen that while it consists of only 510 lines, or about 2750 words, of which not more than half relate to the Ordering of Knighthood, the prose work consists of about 18000 words and is from beginning to end devoted to describing the duties of a Knight, the manner of his institution, & the symbolism of the ceremonies used on the occasion.  As the poem is ascribed to the 13th century, and the learned Director of the French National Library attributes the prose work to the 14th century, it might very well be that the author of the “Ordre de Chevalerie” was acquainted with the earlier work & might have been in some measure inspired by it.  But there can be little doubt that the symbolizing of the [150] ceremonies of Knighthood was a matter of common knowledge in the 13th and 14th centuries, or probably at a much earlier date, & is as little likely to have been originated by the author of the earlier work as by the compiler of the later one.  The French version of the “Ordre de Chevalerie” was not printed till 1504 and even then it did not appear as a treatise on Chivalry, but as a part of “Le Jeu des Eschez moralise,” printed at Paris for A. Verard.  In 1510 it was printed at Lyons, but was then put forth as the work of Symphorien Champier, though it had been written a hundred years or more before he was born.  This tardy & obscure mode of publication is good evidence how entirely dead, by the end of the 15th century, was the spirit of Chivalry as understood by the writers of these books.  Caxton appears, from his eloquent appeal at the end of the treatise, to have been a belated lover of Chivalry, but his hope that the publication of this little book would give new life to it was evidently doomed to disappointment, for that no second edition of it was ever produced by him is of itself good proof that his appeal fell on deaf ears.  How little interest the [151] subject aroused is also shown by the fact that no other English typographer either of the 15th or 16th centuries was at the pains to reprint the book.The interest that it has now as an historical document is considerable, and the wonder is that it has not been reprinted before this time in our own days.F. S. Ellis.Colophon:THIS Ordination of Knighthood was printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the Country of Middlesex; finished on the 24th day of February, 1893.

    That in the British Museum fr. Roy. 14 E.16 is beautifully written, and has at the head of the first column a well painted miniature representing the Hermit and the Squire in conference. It forms part of a large folio volume which is said to have been made for Edward IVth.

  • The Defence of Guenevere Morris

    The Defence of Guenevere Morris

    The defence of Guenevere and other poems, William Morris. Hammersmith : Kelmscott Press ; London : Sold by Reeves & Turner, 1892.

    Bibliography: “Small 4to. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 2 and 1. 300 paper copies at two guineas, ten on vellum at about twelve guineas. Dated April 2, issued May 19, 1892. Sold by Reeves & Turner. Bound in limp vellum. This book was set up from a copy of the edition published yb Reeves & Turner in 1889, the only alteration, except a few corrections, being in the 11th line of Summer Dawn. It is divided into three parts, the poems suggested by Malory’s Morte d’Arthur, the poems inspired by Froissart’s Chronicles, and poems on various subjects. The two first sections have borders, and the last has a half-border. The first sheet was printed on February 17, 1892. It was the first book bound in limp vellum, and the only one of which the title was inscribed by hand on the back.” (24)