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Ricketts and Vale Press Bibliography

Morris and Kelmscott Bibliography

Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance

Pater, Aesthetic Poetry

Pater, “Poems by William Morris”

William Morris Kelmscott Samples

Ricketts Bindings

1890s online

A Note by William Morris Kelmscott Bibliography

A Bibliography of the Books Issued by Hacon and Ricketts

A Defence of the Revival of Printing, Charles Ricketts

“The Revival of Printing” Holbrook Jackson

Historical Books Gallery

Vale Ricketts Gallery

Articles and Press

Charles Ricketts, 1910

Charles Shannon, 1909

The Vale Artists, Charles Ricketts, 1895

The Vale Press, 1900

Shannon and Ricketts, 1904

Michael Field, Mary Sturgeon

Hopes and Fears for Art, Morris

Vale, Gleeson White

Printing, Emery Walker, 1888

Printing, William Morris and Emery Walker

Book-printing, Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1902

Kelmscott Books

The love-lyrics & songs of Proteus, Morris

The History of Reynard the Foxe, Morris

The Poems of William Shakespeare, Morris

The nature of Gothic : a chapter of the Stones of Venice, Morris

The Golden Legend, Morris

The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs, Morris

The Wood Beyond the World, Morris

The tale of Beowulf, Morris

The Shepheardes Calender, Morris

Syr Perecyvelle of Gales, Morris

Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century, Morris

Syr Ysambrace, Morris

Gothic Architecture, Morris

The order of chivalry; L’ordene de chevalerie. Morris

The Defence of Guenevere Morris

The Story of the Glittering Plain (1891)

Vale Books

Fifty Songs by Thomas Campion

A House of Pomegranates Wilde

Poems Dramatic and Lyrical de Tabley

Hero and Leander Marlowe

Ecclesiastes: or, The preacher, and The Song of Solomon

Religio Medici Thomas Browne

In Memoriam Tennyson

Empedocles on Etna Matthew Arnold

Spiritual Poems, John Gray

Epicurus Leontion Ternissa, Vale

Doctor Faustus


The Kingis Quair

Julia Domna

The Parables from the Gospels

The Amber Witch

Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

Poems from Wordsworth

Shannon’s Lithographs

Regligio Medici

The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley

De Cupidnis et Psyches

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

The Life of Benvenuto Cellini

Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson

The Centuar. The Bacchante

Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Hand and Soul

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Poetical Sketches, Blake

The Blessed Damozel

Poems of Keats, Shelley

Lyrical Poems of Shelley

The Rowley Poems

De la Typographie

Sonnets from the Portuguese

Henry Constable

Vaughan’s Sacred Poems


Empedocles on Etna

Poems of John Suckling

Spiritual Poems

The Passionate Pilgrim and the Songs in Shakespeare’s Plays

Nymphidia and The Muses Elizium

The Race of Leaves

Fifty Songs by Thomas Campion

Two Gentleman of Verona

Hero and Leander

Daphnis and Chloe

The Sphinx

History of the Book

Daphnis and Chloe, Longus, Thornley, 1657

Mainz Psalter, 1457

Johannes Mentelin (1410-1478, Germany)

Günther Zainer (d.1478, Germany)

The Menelin Bible, 1466

Nicolas Jenson (c. 1420–1480, French in Venice, Italy)

Historiae Florentini Populi, Rubeus, 1476

Historia Naturalis, 1476, Jenson

Peter Schöffer (c. 1425-c. 1503, Germany)

Anton Koberger (1440/1445-1513, Germany)

De Civitate Dei, Sweynheym and Pannartz, 1470

Recyell of the Histories of Troy, Caxton, 1473-4

The Gutenberg Bible, 1454

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528, Germany)

Aldine Virgil, 1501

Hypnerotomachia Poliphili 1499

Hero and Leander Aldus Manutius, 1449

Erhard Ratdolt (1442–1528), Venice

Herodotus, Venice, 1494

Historiae Florentini populi, 1476

Commentaria in Bibliam, 1498

Vera historia, 1494

Natural History, Pliny, Jenson, 1476

Italian Manuscript Letters

15c Italian Illuminated Manuscript

Herodotus. Venice, 1494

Livius, Historiae Romanae Decades, 1493

Apuleius Metamorphoses, 1519

Vera Historia, 1494

Hieronymus, 1498

Historia Naturalis, 1469

De Civitate Dei 1470


Persian Saddlebags Chair

Aesthetic Book Bibliography

The Venetian Printing Press, 1891

Historic Design in Printing, 1923

Armstrong, Venetian Incunabula, 2020

Early Venetian Printing, 1895

Foucault Archive

Early Woodcut Initials, 1908

The Woodcut in Early Printed Books, LOC

Ricketts and Wilde’s Woman’s World

The cover of our Italian Books catalogue series: A masterpiece of early Venetian woodcut borders revisited

Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italy: Venice in the Sixteenth Century

Oscar Wilde Bibliography

Bibliography of Oscar Wilde, Mason, 1914.

Chronology of Bibliography of Oscar Wilde

Stuart Mason

Oscar Wilde: Art and Morality, Stuart Mason, 1908

Aubrey Beardsley, Ross, 1909