Below are Open Educational Resources and other links for Special Collections Instructional Librarians. Please check back, as I will be adding to and updating these regularly.
“Critical Librarianship for Special Collections: An Open Educational Resource (OER) for Special Collections Instructional Librarians” Updated August, 2020.
About Open Educational Resources
As a librarian and educator, I am committed to sharing resources for classroom and instructional use. Open Educational Resources were first promoted by UNESCO in order to make education more equitable and accessible. OERs focus on freely available materials for students and teachers, lessening the prohibitive cost of supplies for education. Learn more using the resources below.
- Butcher, Neil, Kanwar, Asha, Uvalic-Trumbic, Stamenka. A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER). Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning, 2015.
- UNESCO. “Open Educational Resources (OER).”